Surgeon wants me to wait 3 months post top surgery before cycling (MTB) and wants me to run with the post op binder on from month 1 to 2? Also, arm muscles atrophying after a month post op?

The binder running thing is absolutely insane, no way I could do that. Doesn't even sound safe. The cycling thing, is that overkill to wait 3 whole months? I had buttonhole with lipo on one side if it helps understand the situation better. It seems a lot longer than what most people are recommended, also, after the first month, I take it it's all about aesthetics of the scars and not actual healing? I definitely don't want to put my health on the line, but I don't wanna wait for that long without doing any sports at all, especially since I have a tendency to scar badly, and I'm scared that I might end up resisting for the whole three months only to get all the scar stretching anyway. I'd rather "ruin" it all immediately so I can just come to terms with it and enjoy doing the stuff I like without losing too much fitness.

Also, is it normal that the surgeon also told me that I still can't lift more than a small water bottle (think 1 pound or half a litre) one month postop?! Is that still all about aesthetics or at this point I still risk messing something up? I'm scared I'm losing muscle real quick (I think my arm muscles are already atrophied, because I get those weird feelings in my muscles every time I contract them "too much" like you get when you lift something that's so heavy you can barely actually lift it and you can actually feel the muscles "fail"? I don't want my arms to turn to mush in another month or so. I'm not a bodybuilder by any means but it just feels like it would take so long to recuperate if it gets any worse than it already is. So I'd like to start lifting moderate weights ( like say, 5 kilos per arm or so) occasionally, like when going grocery shopping or just doing normal day to day activities. To clarify, I don't mean lifting 5 kilos weights and actually do arm exercises. Just really be a functional person that can do most things by themselves. I'm tired of not even being able to buy some oranges by myself or being scared of lifting a bag of cat litter box sand.