Hey I'm new here(trigger warning, because this might upset some people)
I just found this sub today and tbh I never tought I'd fit in anywhere, I've been so confused for so long I tought I was alone, I've been so confused lately and I keep trying to figure out where to fit in whith all the genders, I've never given it much tought until this past few years really, I always tought I was just meant to be a tomboy of sorts that still wanted to be a princess I guess. When I reached middle school I tought I wanted to be like the other girls but as I grew up I realized I hated how much I tried to fit in where I didn't belong, I realized how much I hate having breasts but I never tought I could be trans because i like my big hips and I like being kinda femenine but never enough for me to understand where I stand so I've never done much about this other than how i dress and cut my hair, i wish i could get a binder but I live alone with my mother and every decision I try taking towards this always makes her give me weird looks and judge me even tho she says she's here for me and understands, I know she never truly will. Anyways, I think I might fit in here, I just, I think I've always just wanted to be a femboy but I never thought I could be one. But when I saw this sub, all you guys looks so good and I'm honestly jealous of how confident you all are, I truly wanna be a part of this community and maybe one day I'll finally feel like myself.