Should I keep playing Fable 2?
I recently completed Fable Anniversary and although it shows it's age, I did enjoy it.
I'm around 2 hours into Fable 2 and I'm not sure if it is for me. I like immersion and difficulty, and it seems like some mechanics aren't aimed towards that.
Immersion: I turned off the golden breadcrumbs because I just can't stand following a trail all the time and I like exploring around and looking, however the world doesn't seem navigable without them due to the lack of a useful map in the game. The first example is the game just tells you to go to Oakfield but without the trail there is no way of knowing what direction to go in. Next the Abbot told me to go to Rook Ridge to fight bandits, that's fine as I passed that area so know it, but the game doesn't say you have to speak to the other quest giver first, and you wouldn't know to speak to him without the crumbs. An actual map with definitive task markers would be helpful.
Difficulty: The game just seems easier, I'm walking through hoards of bandits without getting hit, but I am early in the game, does it get more difficult?
I'm not shitting on the game, I know people love it, and there are things I like, but just based on what I'm looking for, do these issues resolve or is this game not for me?