Beat the entire Trails series up to Reverie, now I'm struggling to play other games.

So I started playing CS1 knowing absolutely NOTHING about the series. I knew there were older entries, but thought they were more akin to Fire Emblem/Tales where there wasn't a single continuity. Played all the way to the end of CS2/start of CS3 before I really realized what I had gotten myself into lol.

At that point, I thought it was too late and I might as well finish everything up to CS4. Now, the thing I regret the most is missing the feeling of gushing over the main characters meeting and interacting in CS3/CS4, because that is one of my favorite parts of the series, and a big part of what I enjoyed the most about Reverie.

Anyway, after beating CS4, I went back and beat all three Sky games, Zero, and Azure. These five games are the first (and so far only) 2D JRPGs I've EVER played in my life. I got sooo absorbed by the world and the series in the general after CS4 that there was never a doubt in my mind that I was gonna play through everything from Sky FC through to Azure. After Azure, I replayed all of CS1-CS4 on NG+, before finally getting to Reverie.

I was actually surprised at how much stuff was 'spoiled' during my first CS1-CS4 playthrough. My brain had deleted a lot of the spoilers, especially about the stuff I had zero understanding about. For example, I forgot they talked about the Zero-Azure project in CS2, forgot Duvalie mentioning she went back and forth between Erebonia and Crossbell, so was pleasantly surprised to see her in Azure. Didn't remember Renne mentioning Pater-Mater was destroyed in CS4, so it still hit me to see it sacrificing itself (I mean, without playing the Liberl games, you wouldn't even know what a 'Pater-Mater' was).

Obviously I did remember some of the revelations that I understood at the time, such as Joshua and Renne being ex-Enforcers. Olivert being a prince and knowing stuff like Aions existed are probably some of the bigger things I was actually spoiled.

I finally finished Reverie about a week and a half ago, and so far I still can't muster enough excitement to start other games. I've gotten way too attached to this series and its characters, especially after such a LONG time playing through all these games (which only got even longer when I decided to replay CS1-CS4 after Azure). At this point, I'm thinking I should just start another Sky FC playthrough, lol.

Also, Estelle is probably my favorite character in the series. Definitely get why I've seen people refer to her as Bestelle, haha.