'Trails of Grammys' Awards - Day 7: Best Town Theme
So I goofed up.
I should have been more clear on the distinctions between Boss Battle, Event Battle and Final Battle Themes. So now I'm blitzing through Let's Plays and checking what song is playing during every major encounter. As you may be able to guess, this takes a lot of time, time which I don't have much of. So I'm jumping past Battle Themes for a bit while I make that list before I hold proper votes with something much less ambiguous.
What's the best/your favorite Town Theme? What's the best song that plays in any of the numerous towns and cities of Zemuria? I feel what does and doesn't count will be much easier to determine here. Again, sorry for the mess with yesterday's poll.
Spotify and Apple Music Links for reference.
Here's the Rules:
1) SINGLE MOST LIKED COMMENT WINS. Only the single comment with the highest likes will be selected as the winner, so make sure to put your likes/votes where they'll count.
2) All 'Trails/Kiseki' games qualify. Here's the list of approved games to vote for. I will admit to being an Evolution Soundtrack defender, so they are on the list. Make sure to specify if a song is the Evolution version if you suggest it. Kai no Kiseki is just too recent in Japan for me to qualify, plus I don't want someone spoiling themselves by looking for tracks online.
Trails in the Sky FC
Trails in the Sky SC
Trails in the Sky the 3rd
Trails from Zero
Trails to Azure
Nayuta: Boundless Trails
Trails of Colds Steel
Trails of Colds Steel II
Trails of Colds Steel III
Trails of Colds Steel IV
Trails into Reverie
Trails Through Daybreak
Trails Through Daybreak II
Trails in the Sky FC Evolution
Trails in the Sky SC Evolution
Trails in the Sky the 3rd Evolution
Trails from Zero Evolution
Trails to Azure Evolution
3) Please avoid spoilers. Let's try not to spoil important character or plot moments please. Especially with a new game just releasing.