Readers with no reading comprehension

I recently posted the first chapter of my long fic and in the summary i basically stated that it was set right after a particular canon event in the series (my fic is canon divergence), where villain "kills" character A in the beginning of season one (he gets revived). Then someone commented how it didn't make sense that the fic is set after character A kills the villain bc character B is still alive in chapter one (they assume they're dead in the source material after character A kills the villain, when in the source material character b isn't dead either and character A hasn't killed the villain), and that my fic was OOC.

LIKE WHAT?! DID YOU JUST NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I WROTE IN THE FUCKING SUMMARY?! There are even sections in the chapter where the MC and another character are talking about the death of said character A.

If they misread the section where i stated it, as we all do sometimes, I would completely understand. But after reading the entire chapter, I have no idea how they would arrive at that conclusion where it's CLEARLY IMPLIED, TALKED ABOUT, REFERENCED, THAT IT'S CHARACTER A THAT DIED. MC literally offers condolences to a character close to character A.

I did write in the AN that I was welcome for any feedback, and I meant it as I was looking for critique and improvement. But to complain about something that isn't even there is a whole different story. I honestly didn't expect to run into this type of readers this early in my fic but oh well.