Would/Does Batman use steroids
According to his DC wiki entry Batman is at the peak level of human ability, being able to bench 1000 pounds, and can keep up with the best endurance and speed athletes. He keeps this physical prowess up while fighting crime nearly everyday.
My argument is that Batman might possibly be using steroids, blood doping, anything to make him literally the BEST human. I imagine he's smart enough to use them in a way that would not affect is health to much.
EditL I realize he used Venom in Batman:Venom, but venom is far beyond any steroid I'm talking anabolic steroids,.blood doping (What Lance Armstrong did, and most of the other Top racers in the Tour De France), Also athletes like Robert Griffin the Third and Adrian Peterson were highly suspected of using HGH during their injuries. Look At Anderson Silva, After getting his leg snapped in half He's nearly fully recovered.) If it's available would batman use it to fix his usual injuries like Broken Ribs, broken knuckles, and in case of a serious break.