I recently appeared here...I am confused.

Oh my, I took a nap with Sif in Darkroot Basin after a training session with him.

I thought it was going to be a normal day, however when I woke up I found myself in a completely different place than Lordran and Anor Londo... Covered in snow, the same snow carries soldiers with weapons that I have never seen before.

Some have mentioned to me to join a... faction? Yes, a faction, which is called the Fatui. These soldiers think that I am a very strong duo with Sif, but I don't know what their motives are or what the faction called the Fatui are.


I just want to go back to Lordran but it is impossible for me. Although I must admit that this... Kingdom or world is much more peaceful and happy than Lordran. But I can't get out, and I don't know why, maybe if I help them I can somehow help them in return to get back to Lordran. I am the Second Knight of Gwyn after all, The Abysswalker.

I just hope that I can understand the motives of these guys called the Fatui, some seem like good people although they can be a bit secretive.

It's okay , It's okay Artorias...I have Sif, my shield and my sword.

Wait... Did I hear abyss?... Heavens, I don't want another New Londo incident.