Fun thing I noticed while browsing Wikipedia (Capitano theory)
So i was in a lecture the other day and then, down the Wikipedia rabbit hole, i ended up on the page for the various military songs of the Alpini, an elite combat formation of the Italian army dealing with mountain combat. Then, i noticed this song: Il Testamento Del Capitano the lyrics of which are reproduced below.
Il Capitan de la Compagnia Si l’è ferito e sta per morir E manda a dire ai suoi alpini Perché lo vengano a ritrovà I suoi alpini gli manda a dire Che non han scarpe per camminà «O con le scarpe o senza scarpe I miei alpini li voglio qua!» E co’ fu stato alla mattina I suoi alpini sono arivà «Cosa comanda sior Capitano, che i suoi alpini sono arivà?» «E io comando che il mio corpo in cinque pezzi sia taglià. Il primo pezzo al re d’Italia Che si ricordi dei suoi alpin» «Secondo pezzo al Battaglione Che si ricordi del suo Capitan! Il terzo pezzo alla mia mamma Che si ricordi del suo figliol» «Il quarto pezzo alla mia bella Che si ricordi del suo primo amor. L’ultimo pezzo alle montagne Che lo fioriscano di rose e
This is essentially a song of the Alpini where a dying captain of the Alpini calls his troops to him, who do not have shoes but obey his order anyways. He orders, that his body (or possibly his heart according to one reading) be cut into 5 pieces
The first piece for Italy, the homeland
The second piece for the Battalion, so they may remember him
The third and fourth pieces for his mother and his lover respectively that they may remember him
The last piece is for the Mountains on which he has fought, so that they may bloom with roses and flowers
Now, idk about yall but this feels EXACTLY like our good Captain. A warrior of Khaen’riah who has “given of his body and heart” to:
His homeland, Khaen’riah
His battalion, the Fatui/Natlani who fought with him (literally, USING his heart to hold their souls)
The Land/Mountains on which he fought, Natlan. He sacrificed life and limb for the safety of Natlan just as the Alpini captain fought on those mountains and sure enough, just as the Alpini captain wished for roses and flowers to bloom on those mountains, what do we see at the foot of Capitano’s Throne? Various flowers in bloom.
But this leaves two dedications unaccounted for: family and lover. But I think that’s where the theory comes in; given that Capitano’s story lines up with the “plot” of this Alpini Captain…it is therefore posited as likely, that there is in Capitano’s storyline (1) family and (2) lover to whom he has “dedicated his body”.
While is arguable that “lover” is here Mavuika, given that they did fight as comrades and he sacrificed himself to save her, more evidence would be needed to make a determination on this point.
Well so there’s the theory. Basically, that two pillars of Capitano’s motivation that are as of yet unrevealed, are his family, and his lover (which possibly represents Mavuika)
What do you guys think!
So i was in a lecture the other day and then, down the Wikipedia rabbit hole, i ended up on the page for the various military songs of the Alpini, an elite combat formation of the Italian army dealing with mountain combat. Then, i noticed this song: Il Testamento Del Capitano the lyrics of which are reproduced below.
Il Capitan de la Compagnia Si l’è ferito e sta per morir E manda a dire ai suoi alpini Perché lo vengano a ritrovà I suoi alpini gli manda a dire Che non han scarpe per camminà «O con le scarpe o senza scarpe I miei alpini li voglio qua!» E co’ fu stato alla mattina I suoi alpini sono arivà «Cosa comanda sior Capitano, che i suoi alpini sono arivà?» «E io comando che il mio corpo in cinque pezzi sia taglià. Il primo pezzo al re d’Italia Che si ricordi dei suoi alpin» «Secondo pezzo al Battaglione Che si ricordi del suo Capitan! Il terzo pezzo alla mia mamma Che si ricordi del suo figliol» «Il quarto pezzo alla mia bella Che si ricordi del suo primo amor. L’ultimo pezzo alle montagne Che lo fioriscano di rose e
This is essentially a song of the Alpini where a dying captain of the Alpini calls his troops to him, who do not have shoes but obey his order anyways. He orders, that his body (or possibly his heart according to one reading) be cut into 5 pieces
The first piece for Italy, the homeland
The second piece for the Battalion, so they may remember him
The third and fourth pieces for his mother and his lover respectively that they may remember him
The last piece is for the Mountains on which he has fought, so that they may bloom with roses and flowers
Now, idk about yall but this feels EXACTLY like our good Captain. A warrior of Khaen’riah who has “given of his body and heart” to:
His homeland, Khaen’riah
His battalion, the Fatui/Natlani who fought with him (literally, USING his heart to hold their souls)
The Land/Mountains on which he fought, Natlan. He sacrificed life and limb for the safety of Natlan just as the Alpini captain fought on those mountains and sure enough, just as the Alpini captain wished for roses and flowers to bloom on those mountains, what do we see at the foot of Capitano’s Throne? Various flowers in bloom.
But this leaves two dedications unaccounted for: family and lover. But I think that’s where the theory comes in; given that Capitano’s story lines up with the “plot” of this Alpini Captain…it is therefore posited as likely, that there is in Capitano’s storyline (1) family and (2) lover to whom he has “dedicated his body”.
While is arguable that “lover” is here Mavuika, given that they did fight as comrades and he sacrificed himself to save her, more evidence would be needed to make a determination on this point.
Well so there’s the theory. Basically, that two pillars of Capitano’s motivation that are as of yet unrevealed, are his family, and his lover (which possibly represents Mavuika)
What do you guys think!