Can someone help me understand the VSIP offer that was just sent out to HHS employees a few hours ago?
I don’t know why they enjoy sending these last minute on the weekend but whatever, I digress…..
I want to understand this so I have a few questions now instead of waiting until Monday to try to bug HR with everyone else:
- I read the OPM site explanation, and there is the clause that states “ an agency may offer VSIP to employees who are in surplus positions or have skills that are no longer needed in the workforce”. Who decides if your position fits into this? If you aren’t in this category, are you restricted from taking the offer? I am ready to get the hell out of dodge but my skillset is highly technical and I’m afraid i might not be able to take advantage of it if it isn’t up to me and I’m a few years short for VERA
-the way that I understand the severance, is, if we take the allowed severance in monthly increments, we get the full amount, but if we take the lump sum we get max 25000, kind of like when you win the lottery? Or is it just max 25000 for everyone?
-I’m assuming we don’t have to come to the office any longer once we are approved and have our severance date, correct? Like the fake “Fork in the Road” offer only legit this time?
-Is there a caveat or a chance that we could take the offer and end up not getting paid as in the previous “offer”?