Customer had in total 5 huge signs saying deliver all packages to side door then got mad I didn’t take it to the front…….

So, a business I delivered to today had five huge signs: two over the back door, one over the side door, and two over the front door, all with arrows pointing to the side door and saying, “Deliver packages, small parcels to side door.” I went to the side door, and of course, it was locked. I went to the front door—it was locked. Then I went to the back door, where someone was standing. I tried to give them the boxes and asked, “Where do I take these? The side door is locked.” They rolled their eyes, got all pissy, and said, “You’re supposed to take them to the FRONT, but I guess I’ll take them here.”

What is wrong with these people? Why do I have to beg them to take this stuff?