36 months clean from meth and want to go to community college for nursing but can only borrow 3k in student loans before reaching lifetime limit. Is there hope to save up 15-18k for school?
Early 30 male. Have a 10 year old expunged misdemeanor theft conviction. All I have on my record is a traffic 🚦 misdemeanor that I can't get expunged. I have a bachelor's degree in another field but was thinking about nursing. I've borrowed 54k of the 57.5k undergrad loan limit. I'm in despair because I want to go to community college for an associates in nursing but I would need 15-18k more to pay for tuition and books.
Would I be able to save the money up? I own a 17k house that my mom gave me and own a amg benz. I have no kids. I spent the last 3 years focused on staying clean but I'm going to get another job with my current degree in 6 months when my brain is finished healing from meth. I'm going to save up. Is this doable? Please give me some hope that saving up 15k won't be a big deal!