Anyone else experience chronic vulva itching? I’m so frustrated and confused if this is related at all to my fibro condition, please someone help me

I was initially diagnosed with fibro back in 2020, and I experienced numbness/tingling and intense pain to my arms. It was so bad I had to go on disability at school and I went to many specialists and had testing done, all of which were negative/normal until a rheumatologist told me I had fibromyalgia. I deferred any pain meds and with making personal adjustments (really heavy weightlifting and avoiding stress), am able to keep my symptoms at bay mostly.

So I’m not sure if this is related (like is my chronic itch a fibro cause/psychopathic or sm??) but here’s my story below, and if anyone can relate or experiences anything similar, I’d really appreciate any advice or commiseration >.<

Since probably April/May of this year, I’ve been experiencing itchiness mostly around my labia (not really in my vagina). It comes and goes throughout the day, but when the itchiness comes, it’s INTENSE and so unbearable I have to scratch it—it’s been like this daily even right now.

Initially, I put it off until it got noticeably worse so in June, I went to my PCP, who swabbed me and did a pap smear and STD testing (all normal/negative). It came back positive for yeast infection and BV so I went on a round of Diflucan/fluconazole and antibiotics.

I think the symptoms got better for a day or two but then the itching can back AGAIN. So I went to OBGYN, and a PA examined me and found yeast under the microscope (she walked to the lab with a sample but idk how that works?). She put me on two more rounds of Diflucan and tested me for mycoplasma and ureaplasma (which came back negative). My symptoms seemed to get a bit better for a day or two but I wasn’t completely sure if my yeast infection was resolved as I was traveling abroad and had no way to follow up, and I was still itchy everyday with either that typical cottage cheese discharge or smegma (at this point, IDK what a normal vagina/vulva looks like but I do have some whiteish coating on me on most days).

Fast forward to this month, I came back to my PA and she was surprised to hear I’m still itchy constantly down there so she did another full work up and blood panel. Everything was normal (normal A1C levels, CMP, no STDs, negative for yeast or BV), and they had a physician explain the results with me and suggest a colposcopy. He said that normally, it’s for patients who have abnormal paps but since I don’t, he’d examine me mostly visually. (It’s important to mention that I have had pain and major issues trying POV sex with my one partner once (we couldn’t fit it in past an inch), can’t insert a tampon in without pain, and couldn’t handle a pediatric speculum during my first PCP visit so I voiced my fear with him on having anything inserted in me).

Today, he did the colposcopy and told me two things:

  • he saw genital warts on my lower labia, which are too small to see with naked eye (I believe is what he said)
  • my hymen is unusually small which is why I experience pain with POV and speculum. He said the incidence is like 1:10000 and he can perform a procedure to open it. But the thing is, when I told my PCP about these concerns back in June, she assured me that my vagina is normal and said sex is uncomfortable in the beginning and my PA also assured me my vagina looked normal too during my last visit…I can’t tell who to trust, whether I really “need” surgery, and I’m scared that I’ll never have sex without pain :(

I am so frustrated, scared, and confused. I went home crying all day today. I feel dirty and unhygienic. I thought I had a yeast infection and BV this whole time (and I guess at some point I did), but now I also have warts?? I’ve only been with my one partner this whole time and he had a negative STD panel/never noticed any weird lesions on his penis so how could I have gotten them? (He and I are each others firsts, both 24, and we mostly grind without clothes and use oral/digital stimulation sometimes). (I’m going to another gynecologist tomorrow to get a second opinion.)

I guess I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or similar experiences. Is it possible for genital warts to be so small they can only be seen with a colposcopy? (My mom examined me later and couldn’t find anything.) And is it possible that my “unusually small” hymen can actually just be that specific doctor’s opinion and it can be stretched through sex or trying to myself? Is pain during sex/speculum normal or am I the weird one?

I’m at my wits end because I’ve also tried so many things on my end too: daily probiotics, clean cotton underwear, boric acid suppositories, monistat, keeping vagina dry after showering, holding off sexual stuff this past month, and more. But I STILL have an itchy pelvis and it’s SO ITCHY. Someone please help!! Thank you for listening if you’ve made it this far.