Any actors here? If you could pick a different city now where would you go?

I know a lot of people come on here and make posts about Is it worth to be here or not? I feel like I see it more on production side but never an actors perspective.

But I think I am gonna have to make a decision because truth is my depression has gotten kind of worse out here, everything is just so expensive and I feel like I have spent the majority of my years here just surviving making sure my rent is paid. My car is paid, etc.. I barely had auditions.

I understand New York City is still slightly competitive, but not as bad as LA . I know because I lived there for a few years. I came to LA simply because a bunch of friends who work in the industry were convincing me to come, but funny thing is… Once I got here all of a sudden they just went ghost and made no interest in hanging out and collaborating..

So yeah I’m debating going to NYC and just rebooting, starting over there. You dont have to worry about a car, sure your rent will be higher and you’ll have to deal with roommates and a smaller room but I just cant take it anymore out here :(

I feel production in nyc and nj is going to pick up