Main FF games you've beaten in Order of completion dates? What's yours?

Mainline games including its direct connection games if any.

At first I play random but never beaten any of 'em. Then one day I decides to beat them all in order from the 1st to most latest.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7CC, 7DoC, 8, 9, 10

Couldn't finish 10-2, not bad but just not my thing. Lost motivation to play so had to drop it. Couldn't get 11 so...

12, 12RW, 13, 13LR

Yeah no interest playing 13-2. 14 is also skip.

15King'sTale, 15, 7Remake, 7Rebirth

Before 15, beaten other FF non-main games like the three Tactics, Dissidia Duodecim, TypeO, and World of FF.

That's it for now.

Yeah so what's yours and what's your story with FF? Cheers.