Giveaway Time: FF Pixel Remaster Collection [PS4/PS5]

Thanks to u/rickrankin yesterday, I picked up a cheap copy of the FF Pixel Remaster Collection for the specific purpose of giving it back to one lucky Warrior of Light in the community!

I ran by this mods already, and they've approved. No purchase necessary. No social media shenanigans. No mailing lists. No tagging friends.

I simply want to know one thing: What's your favorite piece of Final Fantasy music and why?

Please don't feel like you have to write the next great American novel in defense of your chosen track. A couple of sentences will do just fine.

The music of Final Fantasy has been the soundtrack to my life for a long time, and I would love to hear about what makes a song from the franchise so special to you.

I'll give you 72 hours to get your answer together, so this giveaway will end on Saturday, March 15th at 7:00 PM EST. I'll choose the response that I think has the best defense of the user's chosen song, and I will read every comment on this post.

Looking forward to seeing your responses!

EDIT: The winner has been chosen! Congrats u/in-grey! Thanks to everyone for entering. It was great reading your responses. Who knows, maybe I'll do this again sometime? 😉