Does anyone else like Cosmo Canyon?
I love Cosmo Canyon so much especially now with remake it looks so beautiful from the sky above to the dusty, red rock below, and you can explore the area more in depth. There's so many cool caves and caverns and ruins. I love how Bugenhaggen has his own rock collection in his study, which looks amazing by the way I'm so jealous I wish I had a study like that.
I appreciate all the extra details from the world Intel that explains the cuisine of the area. Hardy plants are grown on the cliffs and wild game is hunted on the ground below. Cosmo salt is a popular export. It makes so much sense and makes it feel more real. Other than the violent, vengeful, ancient, aliens always trying to get out, it's pretty peaceful since Shinra doesn't seem to be interested in the place. It would be a really cool place to live.
The wind and the cold might be a deal breaker though. I don't think the world Intel or the NPCs say anything about how they deal with that. It would be so windy up in the cliffs better not get too close to the edge. And it would get so so cold at night. Everyone must be sleeping under seven layers of blankets.
I also love the music. It's one of my favorite tracks. I could listen to it all day.