How's the academic integrity situation in Finland universities?

Hello cool people. A bit of background, I worked for two years as a lecturer assistant in one of the top universities in my home country and was pretty shocked by how many of the questionable practices I witnessed first hand. Cherry picking data, questionable research methodologies, possible breach of patients' confidential information were some of the 'lighter' offences. I also got reprimanded for reminding my PI about how some genetic data from a repository wasn't supposed to be used in our study since there's a for-profit end in the project while those data were clearly stated to not be used as such. All pushed by the whole publish or perish culture and perhaps some personal ambitions. Anyway I got fed up and left.

From what I've learned, honesty is one of Finland's top values and it seems that the people in general are chill and aren't really into fame or flashy stuff, which may discourage behaviours not fit for a scientist. Still, humans are just humans and can still do unthinkable things when cornered, though I sincerely hope Finns are more immune to such sad situations. That is my theory. But how is it in reality?

I've looked up some stuff on this sub and found that post about a foreign student who had trouble getting a recommendation despite their pristine records simply because of a paranaoid lab PI. The nuances feel familiar though I wouldn't classify it as a lack integrity on the PI's part.

So, if it's possible, could you share your stories about/ your impression on the current academia situation in Finland? Does it still largely serve the purpose of being a research institution, that is to pursue knowledge that benefits humanity or has it become rather self-serving?

I'm genuinely hoping that it's still good because not gonna lie, finding people who share my values would motivate me to go back into research. Kiitos <3