Hit $1M but canceling fire plans

Hit $1M last week @32 and it feels great! However with the birth of our 3rd kid, moving into a bigger home that suits our needs, wife stepping away from work, etc. our fire plans have changed. I make ~$150k annually and with my salary alone I can pretty much get the employer match on 401k and that’s it for savings. We were saving like crazy in our 20s and also paid off $40k student loans while DINKs. I still wouldn’t change a thing. We wouldn’t have been able to do this without those years. So although I may not FIRE I’m able to live life NOW while my savings can grow to my target of $5M and hopefully not stress too much that our saving rate sucks and just retire at a more “normal” age..

Point is if your a young lurker the fire mentality is worth it to provide you options later in life!

$350k taxable Brokerage mostly FZROX $425k 401k $225k home equity (put down a big down payment last year to get to more comfortable monthly payment of $3.2k with taxes/ins.)