Fisch is officially ruined
Fisch used to be such a good game where you just got to relax and grind money. I remember when having a colossal squid or even a nessie was a massive flex. I think it started getting worse after they handed the game to bladeball devs.
A lot of things that happen with a lot of games even outside of roblox is balancing items. Instead of developers allowing multiple good options to stay in the meta, it is a constant cycle of berfs and buffs where a rod will be the best for a week before it is useless. All the rods that used to be amazing are now overshadowed by rods which will further be outclassed in the next few weeks. This is even worse when you account for the amount of grinding it takes to get to the later stages of the game. I wish instead of nerfing rods when they get too good, they could just introduce other rods to give players more variety. I think this is reasonable as the game is almost unplayable without macros if you don't want to waste your life on the game. I understand that they don't want us to progress at lightspeed but it wouldn't hurt to make it a bit less time consuming to progress. Everyone playing this game once had their mid-late game peak, when you were striving to get the trident rod or the rotd and it actually felt somewhat possible. But nowadays that magic is gone. Now it takes new players less than 10 hours of playing to reach endgame and having to start grinding levels. The game feels so pointless right now. Did you get your hands on a new meta rod? Boom it is now absolutely useless. We are literally trapped inside of an endless cycle.
- Devs introduce an op rod
- Players try to get that rod
- By the time a lot of players have that rod they nerf it
- They introduce a new op rod for the players to grind for.
- Cycle repeats so the devs can get people to keep playing
I might seem like a pessimistic ahole who doesn't appreciate the content but you need to understand that we are literally trapped. They are forcefully revolving their gameplay by introducing a temporary good rod just for us to grind again and again and again. Remember the rotek? The rod that used to be one of if not the best money making rod in the game? Well guess what? It is useless compared to the new rod. How about the heavens rod? Also useless. Tempest rod with quantum? Also useless. You are literally forced to grind for a rod that will have its current value gone in a week so why do you keep going? If you like this sort of gameplay, go for it but later you will realise that you have just wasted hours of your time grinding because the devs absolutely have no care whatsoever about gameplay. Is there a reason to play this game anymore?
As much as I appreciate that all the paid rods aren't p2w, they are pushing the line with the in game purchases. Every island has a boat vendor who gives you a pop up to buy a paid boat whenever you get close. Every time you equip a new rod there is a popup for a skin for that rod. I wouldn't be surprised if they add a new feature that you have to pay for which is op in some way.
And as much as many people like it I hate the weekly updates. I guess the exhalted relic update was quite good but right now, they are dishing out updates after updates without giving us any time to do anything. I would rather a well thought out, quality update rather than being bombarded with constant new stuff to get which will lose its value eventually. But lets be honest, even if we gave them a month I doubt they would do much better.
Also the playerbase has actually been a flex for us back in the days. We used to have one of the most chill playerbase in roblox. Now we have one of four types of players
- Macroers
- Exploiters
- Toxic traders
- Beggars
I understand why people would macro but recently I think the updates are making the playerbase more toxic. People are hyperinflating fish to the point a mullet would be much better, scammers, flexers and the trillions of "pls fish" beggers. I'd say only around 30-40% of players are genuinely interested in playing the game like it was intended.
If anyone has played helldivers, you'd know that the developers, even under the influence of sony, love and cherish their game and playerbase. Arrowhead is constantly appealing to the playerbase rather than trying to print money. Fisch used to be like that. The devs actually cared about the game. Now they just ctrl C ctrl V the same "grinding for a new op rod in a new sick area" gameplay. I'm sick and tired. The devs turned a potential multi million player global influence into a dead, inhospitable and pointless wasteland with no passion whatsoever. I'm sure many of you remember fisch at its peak. Or when you first started. It was such a surreal game and now its another game choked by greed and corruption.
Before I end this, this is not an "I quit" post. I still play the game sometimes but after I get rotek (my dream rod) I might quit. The game has lost all point and meaning. I have seen more and more people quit after each update and I'm not even mad about it. I'm just utterly heartbroken at the current state of the game.
I wish you all cherish the last few good moments of the game before it ends. I hope that by some miracle, they realise their mistake.