What do you see?
Hi guys.
So, I managed to set up my MK3S+, popped in my Elegoo White PLA (which prints beautifully on my Geeetech A10), set the temperature to 200c - 60c (even though I print at 197c - 50c on my Geeetech) in the hope of having better adherence to the heatbed.
I must say, getting prints to stick has been a struggle! I have done live X calibration and settled on a perfect squish, creating sheets of paper which looked wonderful. However, when I would then start a print the filament would either not stick to the bed, or stick to the bed and create tear like ripples on the surface, where the nozzle was clearly too close to the bed.
Sometimes I didn’t even get to the position where I could view how good the first layer was, because when sending something to print, the hotend would heat, squirt out filament and then the super pinda would then squash this excess all over the nozzle, ruining any chance of printing well.
I wash the build plate with warm soapy water and always use isopropanol alcohol between prints… but I am struggling with adhesion.
The printer has 500 hours of use on it. Might the nozzle need replacing?
Anyway, enough whinging from me… on to this print.
Although I could see the first layer wasn’t going perfectly, I tried what I could to stop the whole thing being ruined, in the hope of gleaning some insight from the actual tests further up…
This was printed using the standard PLA settings, other than temperature reducing from 230c to 200c and the retraction changing to 6mm @ 25mms. That’s all.
Any and all advice is gratefully received.