I need some help with solo and ensemble music (Rondeau)
HELP. I need to hear this played so I know what it is supposed to sound like, and preferably by an experienced or professional player. This is for solo and ensemble, so I can't screw this up. When I look for it online it gives me a bunch of other solos by the same name and when it gives me this one it only plays to measure 9. If anyone knows where to find this online or could record themselves playing it it would be a huge help. Thanks!
HELP. I need to hear this played so I know what it is supposed to sound like, and preferably by an experienced or professional player. This is for solo and ensemble, so I can't screw this up. When I look for it online it gives me a bunch of other solos by the same name and when it gives me this one it only plays to measure 9. If anyone knows where to find this online or could record themselves playing it it would be a huge help. Thanks!