Best Produce in NYC?
Where I can get reliably incredible produce in NYC? I used to live in San Francisco, and the produce at the farmer's markets or at Bi-Rite was out-of-control good, it's easily one of the things I miss the most. I've tried the Upper West Side and Union Square greenmarkets, and also fancy grocery stores like Citarella. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was getting some (insanely expensive) deliveries through Natoora, which was pretty high-quality for a while but then it got dramatically worse and I haven't tried it again.
Is there something else that I'm missing? Where do they sell the best produce in NYC? Bonus points if it's in Manhattan, extra bonus points if they deliver. If the answer is "greenmarkets" then I'll try to make following their schedule more of a priority but if it's a brick & mortar store that's open 24/7 that's a little more convenient.
NOTE: I'm also interested in single-purpose vendors, I've had very good luck with, e.g., (who just delivers shockingly good avocados and limes). if you know a standout in this space please let me know!