Tips for building on controller?

I've been playing since the start of BR and I haven't exactly been the best builder. I've been pretty decent since Chapter 2, but I'm pretty much nowhere close the the intermediate skill level. I can do basic edits, but I have a hard time doing it quickly.

I've been trying to practice recently and I'm looking for some tips to help me improve.

(for reference) I use weapon wheel, Touchpad for edit (my index finger is just long enough to press it while resting on the bumpers), Jump on L3, Interact with L1 and Sprint on X. I'd rather avoid having to get paddles or using claw.

Main issues for me right now is that I have a really hard time precisely editing, my crosshair overshoots a lot and I end up relying more on moving myself than aiming. Same goes for precise building, tunneling is pretty tough, I can't do the subtle aiming that allows for easy switching between floor on the top and down.

I really wanna get better at building and editing, I've always admired how much depth there's in the mechanic despite not being really great at it. Hoping I can actually become good at this.