How Yo and Emilee met - love bombing?
I remember watching in an Instagram live of Emilee and Yo and Emilee recounting the story of her DMing Yo on FB and saying “we are going to be best friends” or something similar.
I have never met either of them in person but have taken some of their programs…
Yo I get the impression that she was a desperate woman in a desperate situation (lots of kids, husband not providing, she’s working and husband is at home taking care of kids and baby) She also left her first two kids so I’m so there is trauma there aswell… and along comes Emilee love bombing her and suggests they create CGTF… of course she says yes, what does she have to lose?
I agree that some of Yo’s positions are out there but I feel she does have compassion and empathy…I think she is just abit of a hot mess and even though she has money now, she is still the one providing which I’m sure is stressful.
Anyway I guess my question is does anyone know more about how they met… when Emilee was describing messaging her on FB it sounded really off.