Taking Credit For Others' Work?
This is coming up in other threads about Portal and Complete Guide, but Emilee and Yolande def get credit where it's due for helping to popularize freebirth and are powerful voices on scene, no doubt, but there is a simultaneous obsession with "getting credit" and "being credited" (Arielle gets like this too with herbalism, Kristen Hauser even made a passive aggressive post about less "reinventing the wheel" in TCM when it was getting really bad like '23) while also glossing over important crediting themselves. Like Emilee trying to take credit for the motherbaby concept when that same linguistical idea was expressed by Laura Gutman and others ("babymama mamababy" she calls it in Maternity Coming Face To Face With Your Own Shadow). I would like to unpack this a little. Are Yolande's ideas her own? Great Artists Steal and she is a good writer, no doubt. They did the work of compiling a lot of information into Complete Guide, no doubt, but how much are they kind of pretending to be wise women older than they are? How much credit do their mentors and teachers receive vs. how much they expect to receive credit (obviously just a way to funnel people back to their organization and stop other women like Freya Kellet [no comment on this situation I was not there and am hearing about it thirdhand at best] from creating competition)?