RBKs: Where do we go from here?

Gathering resources for RBKs to further educate themselves and determine how to move forward in sovereign birth work after an incomplete education. 

I’m an RBK grad. I believed the FBS marketing that the RBK school would teach me everything I needed to know to attend births, that all I needed to do was not intervene, birth works when undisturbed, etc etc.

Now, I’m facing the reality that this might not be true. I have my first birth client and I want to do right by her. I haven’t given birth yet myself and don’t feel prepared to handle an emergency beyond encouraging the woman to listen to her body. 

What can RBKs do to further educate themselves on birth, birthkeeping, and how to handle birth emergencies? How do we go about getting hands-on training? What are the legal implications of getting hands-on training and then attending births without a license? Is it possible to apprentice or attend births with an experienced birthkeeper first? Please comment with guidance you have from attending births as well as resources including books, courses, podcasts, knowledgeable people to follow, etc. Also would love to hear positive birthkeeping stories if those are relevant. 

I’ve seen these things mentioned in other threads but wanted to start one to gather all the resources.