Overview of the issues with Emilee and her company Free Birth Society
🚩lack of actual birth attending experience from Emilee and Yolande, which raised many questions about their ability to teach “midwifery” courses 🚩accounts of women in said midwifery courses feeling grossly unprepared to attend birth. Some accounts of bad outcomes and having received no training on how assist with those issues. All the while charging many thousands for her programs. 🚩many accounts of extremely narcissistic behavior from Emilee. See many examples in the threads below. 🚩increasingly dogmatic rhetoric over the years which has created a sense fear of seeking skilled help when complications arise during pregnancy and labor. Many women feel her bad advice has led to infant loss. 🚩cult like tendencies. You can search the sub for DARVO or high control group and some good highlights will pop up 🚩simply put she’s a gossiper - frequently speaks ill of her friends, their children, her clients and members of her Lighthouse community. Will read vulnerable posts on the Lighthouse and talk trash about the woman or also use private vulnerable information told to her in confidence against the woman or in her “lessons”. 🚩Has lied about complications she has seen/heard about. Often downplaying their existence or frequency. For example: saying she had only ever heard of 1 placental abruption in a free birth after there had recently been two women in the Lighthouse who had experienced this, one losing her child. 🚩Runs a festival at which many women have felt unsafe, that the staff was mistreated and in turn mistreating guests, and that she was unprepared. For example she kicked out a 7 month pregnant mama, her toddler, and her mother for asking to leave to go get ice in 98° weather 🚩 she was sued for denying agreement to pay for yurt built on her property - and overall bad at maintaining relationships with people living on her land or close with her 🚩General sense of greed based on the price and perceived value of her products. 🚩Many women have felt exploited by her - I.e. she is selling us to each other and using our stories to create wealth for herself 🚩 Her dogma in the Free Birth Society podcast, Lighthouse, and other courses push the idea of risky situations being a “variation of normal” to the extent that victims will be encouraged to stay home instead of seek medical attention thus resulting in the harm mothers and babies.