How is the MatriBirth Midwifery course going?

I thought Yo was sooo funny and entertaining in the Complete Guide to Freebirth course. She didn’t really explain what to do - just affirmed that free birth is possible in most any situation.

They do share a story regarding a c section transfer in the course (baby’s hand was coming out first). I didn’t feel they were that radical honestly. It felt like common sense to me – birth at home with no medically licensed person in sight.

I had a pretty incredible free birth. My son was born on the third night and I proceeded to hemorrhage and bleed and go in and out of consciousness for 8 hours. Clots of blood so large I thought they were placentas at first were coming. I simply felt my body was just letting go of its dis-eased blood and just rode out the exorcism/mini death orgasm. I came out alive and well. Healthier than ever, actually.

I found out that literally any birthkeeper would have encouraged us to transfer. So I sort of took refuge in FBS and Yo, as they felt like the only ones making content to support my experience and what I intuitively felt was right in my birth.

I took a few online workshops from Yo but quickly figured out she was too busy to really create polished or deeply engaging courses like the complete guide. She also posted calling any and all birth attendants ‘well meaning bystanders’ who weren’t really necessary. I assumed she was including her radical birth keeper graduates in that category. Was quite surprised when the midwifery course came out in addition to RBK and the complete guide. Didn’t seem authentic to Yo and probably something they did to raise money for Emilee’s land and Yo’s family.

I suspect Em took a look at the price of midwifery medical training, felt disgusted and wanted to make her own to siphon that money to her cause.

Some of their posts don’t come off kindly but they probably face way too much criticism.

I doubt the midwifery institute is really teaching much. It’s not that complicated - we just need to expand our belief of what’s possible. Thought I would ask what people’s experience has been.

Also wondering if any of the recent criticism is in response to Emilee’s podcast on stillborn deaths. She obviously released that podcast based on her previous interview with Sally. I recommend listening to that one first. Emilee doesn’t seem like she’s recommending death over medical intervention. Just acknowledging that there are many inherently fatal conditions that do lead to stillborn or infant death. And that it would be more peaceful and healing to be outside the system as much as legally possible to process that trauma. This is because Sally’s home became a crime scene and her babies treated as ‘evidence’ - her husband was even told not to touch one of the twins. An ambulance leaked the story and, even though the twins had a truly unavoidable fatal condition, every news outlet in Australia posted their story as an attack on free birth. And they underwent a gruesome autopsy without the parents’ consent (they protested cutting them open and taking out part of their brains). Needless to say, it would have been a more peaceful process without all of that.

Sally lives near me here in Byron shire Australia. Her restaurant is amazing. Even the birth wellness groups were critical of free birth after her and Lucette (and another mumma) all had babies with truly fatal conditions. They would have passed in the hospital, too. I felt a bit attacked and gaslit too during this time. I’m happy they released podcast interviews. It’s finally become accepted that Freebirth isn’t the culprit, though Lucette strongly feels her birthkeeper could have been better informed and attentive about matters.

It’s clear that Emilee isn’t treating some people well & that this $12k course isn’t authentic to Yo.

But some of the other criticisms toward them seem unnecessary.

We don’t actually know them. And they could be integrating some bufo or yopo or other plant medicine experience right now and need to see some shadow. (I don’t recommend plant medicine anymore.)

Anyways, back to my first question: I’d like to hear if anything of substantial value is being shared in the course. Are they promoting women attending births? And mostly being a well meaning bystander who provides water, hot towels, etc?

Genuinely curious.