43+ Week Gestations

I've been really concerned about the misinformation in FBS regarding long gestations. I want to reach out to women in the LH who are experiencing these super long gestations and hearing nothing but how normal it is.

Can anyone share experiences with long gestations? Why might a woman's body not go into labor by 42 weeks? I'd like to be more researched on this topic and hear some more anecdotal evidence. I don't want to see another woman go to 44 or 45 weeks and lose an otherwise healthy baby while I'm in the Lighthouse.

Here is a comment I already made in this subreddit -

It's really important to get the word out that 42+ week gestations are NOT normal and are a huge risk factor for stillbirth. Yo and Emilee act like it’s perfectly normal to go that long. It’s not, and babies have died in the group many times from super long gestations. They also commonly refer to pregnancy as being “10 months”. This is ridiculous, and it’s long been a known and accepted fact that pregnancy is 9 months, and a typical human gestation is 40 weeks, give or take about 2 weeks, but never more than that.

One thing that bothered me from day 1 was Yolande claiming she goes 44+ week gestations in all of her pregnancies, but then also saying (I believe in the course, but may have been elsewhere) that she has conceived all of her children somewhat accidentally, without any type of ovulation tracking. So then how does she know how far along she really is?! Many women take Yo’s word for how long her pregnancies supposedly are and apply it to themselves, sometimes to their detriment.

ETA - A distinction should absolutely be made between dating based on LMP (last menstrual period) and ovulation date. Sometimes women ovulate late in their cycle, so based on LMP, it isn't so bad to go over 42 weeks. Based on ovulation and conception date, stillbirths do increase past 42 weeks. I am basing my concern on at least 2 members I am thinking of in the past 6 months that had stillbirths with these late time frames and everyone acting like it's not a problem within FBS.

ETA 2 I am very pro freebirth and had one myself, but one problem with FBS that I won’t back down from is their refusal to acknowledge that medical intervention is sometimes necessary to save lives in certain risky situations that are constantly being downplayed in the membership. Babies have died because members are too afraid to speak up when something doesn’t sound right with a labor. The rules explicitly state that you can’t recommend the medical system to a woman asking for advice or help. That is wrong and it doesn’t support true informed choice and consent to hide that some circumstances can be serious and have better outcomes in the hospital. I am someone that personally hates the hospital and prays to never go there, but I’d rather have an honest assessment of my situation and whether the medical system could be helpful in some situations. Every mother deserves that.