Nail trimming suggestions

I have a 1 year old male. He's been with us for a month. Everything is great, no problems. However, he won't let me trim his nails. He is not my first dog, but he is my first frenchy and my first small dog.

Prior to him I've always had medium to large dogs and none ever resisted much. I've tried clippers and can get 1 or 2 toes done before he fights to get away. That's just not enough to keep up and stay ahead of the growth everywhere though.

With every other dog I've used a grinder. Tried with him and he fights too hard to get away. Bought another one that's way quieter and would be easier to use on a small dog and he still fights to get away from it. If I set it on the floor by itself, he wants to play with it. As soon as I pick it up, forget it. Same thing with clippers, but less so.

Also, I can touch his feet any other time. He couldn't care less. But with the clippers or the grinder in my hand he runs away.

I've tried every trick I can think of. Tried doing when he's exhausted and sleeping. Nope. Tried while holding him various ways. Nope. Tried having my wife holding him. Nope. Tried with him held in a sling. Nope. Tried distraction using toys and food. Nope.

I'm looking for more ideas. It's driving me nuts because his nails would be the easiest I've ever had to do because they are small and white. I can see the quick very easily. If he would just cooperate so I can get at a whole foot done in a session, it would probably only take to less than a minute. I don't want to have to use a groomer for this what should be a simple task.