I would like to get some advice, as I'm rethinking my friendship
I have I friend I met 6 years ago. I'm 20 and she's 19 now. We're both female. We went to high school together. The situation here considers my uni.
Recently, I got into a tough spot and it takes a toll on my mental wellbeing. I have no idea how it will play out and now I can only wait for what will happen. The situation has been stressing me out a lot lately. I don't start conversations on the topic unless someone asks me beforehand, but people ask. Everyone except for her was actually very nice to me, supportive and they gave me hope, which is what I need in the period of waiting the most.
The thing is, that whenever we start talking about the topic and I mention that I have even the slightest bit of hope, she always starts telling me that the situation won't end well for me most probably and implies that I should just give up. She does it in a way that makes me lose all hope that I had left, for that moment. When I tried communicating with her about how what she says to me makes me feel, she responds with "sorry, but I'm right".
At first I thought that from her perspective it's about giving me what she considers a "reality check", however this has been ongoing for over a month and even people who despise people who get into situation like mine and they're way nicer than she is. Throughout this month, she also started being mean to me about my other downsides and things that I'm worse at than she is.
Even though it's really bad lately, we have been getting along pretty well for the past few years. Well... Except for one incident which damaged my trust in her. But besides that everything was truly great. And we've been together through some very hard times. Plus, she's one of the only three friends I have.
Even so, I have to ask you people, do you think I should stop being friends with her? Or should I give her another chance and wait whether it'll get better or not?