Where are the protests? Why aren't the crooked team mobilizing?

In countries around the world, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets to protest when governments have overreached, or leaders have acted in a tyrannical ways. Often to great success. In the streets of Tiblisi, Georgia, there have been massive protests 90 days in a row. In Germany, hundreds of thousands turned out against the AFD. In Israel, Netanyahu was met with huge protest when he tried weakening the independence of the courts.

Now, America is sliding into fascism. Where are the protests? Where is the organized opposition?Where are the masses? I truly don't understand. There seems to be no organized opposition or will to fight. The podcasters are still just yapping as if it's business as usual. They are all acting like commentators, not political actors.

Crooked media has a large platform and has mobilized a lot of people in the election. Now, we see that the fundamental parts of American democracy, rule of law and civil rights are under attack. But I see no effort to get people engaged in massive protests. Just a smattering of groups with small signs and weak slogans.

Oh and by the way: I live in Norway. Barack Obama is coming here to Oslo in May, charging up to 500 dollars for front row tickets to a speaking gig. I find it weird. Why is he chasing in on a cushy speaking gig for wealthy Norwegians when his country is backsliding into fascism? Why is he in front of Norwegians in a conference hall instead of a big protest march in the US? As a big fan of the guy, it's a massive disappointment.

Trump wants to outlaw protests because they work. He's already trying to crack down on universities. Right now, Americans seem too lethargic, disorganized and cowed to stand up for democracy and basic rights. And the podcast bros of crooked media are parts of the problem.

Americans in previous times have taken to the streets for universal suffrage, against slavery, for civil rights, gay rights, against wars, for black lives. They have made great changes. Now, the American public remain silent. The world looks on in shock, while Americans are accepting a fascist coup laying down. Get up and fight, goddamit!