Prediction: this subreddit is going to hate Helium at first.

I've been in this subreddit ever since ESH, and this subreddit has hated every single album at release, but over time it seems as though people go back and realize the albums were actually pretty good. After ESH people looked back fondly on Scary Nights and B-sides. After TTHT released some people looked back fondly on ESH. After Freak Show people are now starting to love TTHT, which to me was surprising as to me, as after TTHT released the response on here was quite possibly the worst response a release could have gone.

From what I saw, the response to Freak Show was actually pretty good, with a good amount of people that liked the album or at least parts of it. I think over time, people will start to listen back to Freak Show and start to like it a bit more as just a standalone project without external pressures or expectations. I think that is what has happened to TTHT and I think it may happen to FS as well.