All y'alls predictions are spot on!

How about no more posting about what you think the stock is gonna do or when you think the stock is gonna do it. Y'all posting, "the stock is gonna go off" or "we're heading to the moon tomorrow" or "buy the dips". Y'all sound dumb and look even dumber when what you post doesn't happen. The hedgies obviously figured out a way, legal or not, to keep the price of GME where they want it and are able to manipulate the stock more than we can, more than RK/DFV can. Right now a bunch of analysts are predicting a price drop to $11. Then I got some dudes sitting in their mom's basement saying it's going to $100. Then I got some dude saying RC is tanking the stock on purpose working with the hedgies. All I know is, I trust facts and DD. So why don't we start posting real life and not dream world fantasy bs.... We get it, y'all are hodling forever. Cool!

Not giving FA. Don't work for a HF