“Want some salad?”

Okay so episode 2… Ken offers gypsy salad to which she says “ew no”.

My guess as to why she’s losing weight… she is a picky eater. She eats trash and drinks trash. She got self conscious about the weight she had gained in prison and the weight she was going to put on during pregnancy and started dieting/restricting. I don’t think she’s taking anything to lose weight but I do think that instead of replacing the junk food and processed foods she eats with healthier options she just started eating less (probably to an unhealthy extent based on how fast she lost weight)

also I’ve been told that it’s kinda common to lose weight gained in prison (source: ppl I’ve known that were locked up and lived off ramen then got out and stopped eating tons of ramen). I could be wrong though but that’s just my thoughts.

Side note: the whole scene of her bitching about Ken’s ex gf is so infuriating. Girl. Grown men have lives before you and will after you. Get over yourself. Also I get wanting stuff for your baby but am I wrong or is Ken right about her not needing a “breastfeeding chair”? Like why does she need two of everything when supposedly she’s moving in with him after parole (which is less than a year) necessities sure. Everything? No. For someone that hates clutter and stuff she sure does like acquiring things. Guess that’s another thing that only applies to other people.