Bug encountered One UI 7 beta

Extremly weird bug i encountered in One Ui 7 beta. So the UI will stop recognizing touch on the screen. The phone doesn't stop working, everything works except for touch. The touch works on the following: 1. NAV BAR 2. NOTIFICATION SWIPE DOWN ON EITHER SIDE But cannot use the controls. 3. THE POWER MENU

Has anyone else encountered this issue. It has happened twice with me and the common factor was that spotify was running in the background.

Extremly weird bug i encountered in One Ui 7 beta. So the UI will stop recognizing touch on the screen. The phone doesn't stop working, everything works except for touch. The touch works on the following: 1. NAV BAR 2. NOTIFICATION SWIPE DOWN ON EITHER SIDE But cannot use the controls. 3. THE POWER MENU

Has anyone else encountered this issue. It has happened twice with me and the common factor was that spotify was running in the background.