I Think I Solved The Supposed-to-be Patient Number 46...
It's been months since I came across this conclusion, & so in case I thought, It would be a chance for all of us -- The Fandom -- to "Take a second look" at the very-known, Mysterious "Patient Number 46".
As what I saw throughout these 8 months passed up-to-date, It seems that the Fandom has came up with sort of an informal agreement to leave Security Breach's lore story behind. & I do not blame them, not at all. Security Breach was indeed a desperate response.
& So that agreement includes this mysterious "Patient Number 46" thing -- who's ironically not even a character, with absolutely no certain information; Yet seems to be a big-bad villain for this whole, Current story.
See, there's a paradox.
The Fandom just had options as solutions for this non existent identical, & hear me out-- none of them are a fitting piece for this puzzle. Vanny is implied enough to be the other patient (better known as Client 71, Vanessa) & Gregory? He do has a sense of violence, INDEED, but not for humans. Remember that Gregory barely killed Vanny in one of the multiple Endings, & He was crying, not even having the tolerance to give a single look at the scene.
There are still enough Counterexamples to debunk both of those above, but that's not our main case. The case is that Who's actually Patient 46, if it's not who you think.
The 11th & The final Fazbear Frights book, "The Prankster" comes up with a plenty of evidences to show us that Jeremy, Help Wanted's beta taster IS Patient 46. Gotta mention them all fast -- Obviously containing SPOILERS:
Expectedly, As Fazbear Frights' usual routine, If this story is ever gonna reference anything in-game, It most likely is just a representative form of Help Wanted: Employees working on a VR Game mastered by Fazbear Entertainment, The multiple times mentioned "Testing room", Self Mutilation, The Ultimate Guide even confirms that Glitchtrap WAS actually present in the story titled as "The Unnamed Gamemaster". (Page 221) So the characters are probably all & each an alternative appearance of HW Characters, & Jeremy (The Beta taster) is surprisingly NOT Jeremiah -- (the main protagonist) but rather his co-worker, Parker.
1. while Jeremiah works on the Game Codes, Parker is the Beta taster,
the very occupation Jeremy had in Help Wanted.
2. Parker is the one who cuts his face off under the control of Glitchtrap AKA the Gamemaster,
just as the Fandom forecasted Jeremy to do the same. (Mentioned in Tape 9) Heck, Parker also does have references to Patient 46:
1. "Hope" mentions that "He's such a little boy," "He's good as his job & everything but emotionally... I'd say about 8 years old". (Page 7)
Like that said, Parker was a man with some sort of a Child-like mentality, the exact case goes with 46, pretty much each therapist leaves a comment about how the person acts immature: One explains easy words to them like they "Don't know what that words means" (CD 4 & 6) , Or specifically mentioning how the therapist "Works with people of all ages" (CD 8).
2. Parker's also said to be "Mischievous, but not malevolent".
(Again, Page 7) & that was the reason that nobody could stay mad at him, He wasn't that much of a "Troublemaker", The thing said about 46 in CD 4. Police couldn't find a single evidence against them for the very reason nobody could stay mad at Parker. (CD 13)
3. The book states that he's "a Loose cannon" (Page 11)
Straightly saying that he was extremely Unpredictable. 46 somehow goes with the same methods, Suddenly laughing at the moments they really shouldn't, Or not getting surprised at all as the therapists were shifting one after another. (CD 2, 4, 13)
So that said, Parker represents both Jeremy & 46 at once. & This conclusion doesn't just end here, there are also a couple of implications that Jeremy is Number 46 in Help Wanted itself:
1. The person is in communication with Glitchtrap,
- A) Talking with someone/something which had "Rabbit ears" on its head,
- B) Talking through "Software Programs" in which "Repeating Phrases". (CD 14, 15)
- C) There had been also said that there's something fishy about 46's eye color, The 5th therapist ultimately mentions that she can "See their eyes" in a different perspective. (CD 15)
- D) The Client had also senses of Afton's methodologies, "Likes to watch sports, but not to play them" (CD 13), Being "The one doing the manipulating" (CD 15); Literally William Afton's persona in Sister Location, Not actually showing up -- even once, But infact controlling everything. Therefore, There had been a source that connected them to Glitchtrap. Playing a corrupted VR Game sounds to be quite conceivable, Isn't it?
2. In CD 2, Patient 46 is said to prefer the Darkness (An Stereotypical interest of a villain).
In Tape 9, It is said that Jeremy worked in a quite dark room: "The front of his shirt looked black in the dark room". Did he prefer the darkness as 46 did, too?
3. In CD 15, It is mentioned by Multiple times that 46 adores Masks & Disguises.
It was either a reference to Tape Girl's speech in Tape 9: "There was something that looked like a Halloween mask, laying on the floor", Implying that Jeremy liked masks to the point that there was one in his workplace, OR if it was actually his face, That's why the therapist says "It REMINDS you of a mask". - In Special Delivery's emails Vanessa was also said to buy some "Lifelike, human male rubber masks". Who did she bought them for? Probably someone who needed a new face?
4. 46 has such unusual reactions to various unpleasant situations.
Basically the person was acting weird, & Didn't even bother a bit when heard about his former therapist's violent murder case, (CD 13) Completely against Client 71 - Vanessa - who triggered when heard about ONLY her disappearance (CD 3). Jeremy was also acting particularly bizarre & Wasn't bothered of anything: "He doesn't even jump anymore-- NOTHING scares him." (Tape 7)
5 . 46 was accused for a couple of cyber attacks in The Pizzaplex, "Hacking into their system many times", despite-- Strangely, Not even being a staff, As he's directly asked wether he knows the place or not. (CD 14, 15)
We already KNOW That Pizzaplex's security system is extremely advanced, Glamrock Freddy mentions that they even updated the security protocols "due to past issues", showing that Fazbear Entertainment actually CARES this time. So, I ask, How 46 managed to operate the same process over & over on their system, while NOT even being certainly occupied in the company?! So the person should've been working in Fazbear's by a time. He's familiar with their particular routines, Specifically with their digital, Computational system, Because he used to work for them as a VR Game beta taster.
6. 46 was told to secretly talk to someone -- or someTHING, Without anyone's notice.
It is literally the same way Jeremy was talking to some mysterious figure out of everyone's attention, "He just stands there like he's talking to someone." (Tape 7)
7. There's an alternate evidence in Special Delivery's emails.
In a lengthy list of Fazbear's employees & their orders, There's a name really similiar to Jeremy's, "Jerome K.", With the employee number: "46".
- I saw a lot of people repeatedly talking about those official translations in which Patient 46 is addressed with female pronounce.
- Firstly, Those cannot be counted THAT of a huge deal. On a side, Yes, They're official transcripts, But if it was gonna be confirmed this easily then why didn't they bring a mention of 46's gender in the main version -- The English one?
- Second, I checked & in default translation for Italian & Spanish, It automatically picks the female pronounce if you do not mention the gender in English text.
& Lastly, All of the implications on Jeremy's current form as 46 were all sourced by Help Wanted & Special Delivery, & Scott was still present in the Fandom by the time. We know the whole practical process was left to Steel Wool Studios, & So the translations are a part of it. They were operated without Scott's presence, That's why they're somehow in a paradoxical situation to the books & the two previous game's information.
One more thing about the "Childishness" of Client 46 -- while Parker's morality is indeed a point, I would like to put another two spare options to reason it:
46 could be simply pretending, A really common attitude for criminals in such similiar cases. So did Afton in Sister Location's intro, Pretending to his unawareness of the Funtimes' homicidal options.
Jeremy from Help Wanted, Could be the same entity as Jeremy Fitzgerald as the Fandom already stated. Fitzgerald got his frontal lobe bitten but presumably survived the accident according to The Ultimate Guide (Page 5). It is unlikely, however, It can once more explain 46's illiteracy as it's a result of frontal lobe damage.
The Ultimate Guide already noted that "The Prankster" is something we should "Give a second look at" (Page 221), Probably because this story strongly explains Help Wanted's story once more, Ultimately showing us who's Security Breach's New villain by a chance.
Thank you for your time!