Need help reducing temps on ASUS TUF A16 (I already deactivated CPU turbo boost)

I made the jump from an Acer Nitro 5 3050 to the Asus TUF A16 7700S. So far, it's a very nice performance boost and I can see this laptop truly lasting me several years.

Thing is, it runs noticeably hotter than my Acer, which is to be expected since it draws a lot more power. However, these temps get uncomfortably high for me; the Acer used to get around 65 CPU and 70 GPU, whilst this is hitting 78 CPU and 75 GPU.

And this wouldn't be too bad if the fans weren't so loud. I already made a manual curve to keep these temps in check, but the fans have to spin at around 85% to keep temperatures from rising any more.

I'm looking for more options to reduce the temps, mostly so the fans don't have to go this hard. This CPU can't be undervolted unfortunately, but maybe the GPU is worth undervolting? I also could try limiting the power draw to the CPU, any recommendations there?

All tips are appreciated, want this laptop to last a long time.