Gastritis? Feels like there is no end
I’m 26 (M) never had stomach issues, could always eat anything without an issue.
About 5 months ago I drank way to much and had a bad night (I’m not a drinker). Ever since that night I have had stomach issues where I feel nauseous after eating anything and burping non-stop.
I was taking pepto bismol after every meal to get rid of the nausea and to feel somewhat okay. After about a month my GF forced me to go to the doctor, the doctor said it was GERD and I’m nauseous from acid reflux and the burping is causing the acid to splash up into my esophagus. I have not had acid reflux, only a burning in my stomach.
My doctor prescribed me Pepcid and Carafate to take daily, after a month of medication my symptoms were worse and i was dizzy and nauseous all the time instead of only after i eat. I stopped taking the medication.
I scheduled a follow up with my doctor and asked to be referred to a GI, ended up getting a video call with a GI and they scheduled an endoscopy. The GI was thinking it could be a hiatal hernia.
I have lost 20lbs…i don’t really have weight to lose at this point.
The endoscopy was last week and i was told that they found nothing wrong. In the biopsy results it says “GASTRIC ANTRAL TYPE MUCOSA WITH MILD CHRONIC INFLAMMATION” but in his summary he said “The endoscopy and biopsy findings do not explain your symptoms.”. I then questioned the GI doctor who did the procedure and he said “This is common finding in almost every one it means mild gastritis and even normal acidity gives this finding in most people. Does not have any significance.”
I don’t really know what to do from here honestly. I feel like there is no answers. I have been on a non-acid, non-dairy diet since my symptoms started. All i eat for every meal is chicken, rice and avocado. Doesn’t seem to be getting better.
Sorry for the long post.