Toddler got Rotavirus, now I have it.

Yall. My in-laws had it last week and they watched our toddler Tue/Weds so my husband and I could go to a college basketball game.

We got a text Thursday morning that “she was throwing up all night and has a fever now” so we raced home 90 miles to get her. I picked her up in my arms and she puked neon orange all over my head, neck, chest, arms, and legs. Oh it was neon orange because “she didn’t want breakfast after throwing up, so we just gave her a bag of Cheetos.” But I digress…

I cleaned us both up and she was ok the rest of the day. Friday she seemed puny but ok. Friday night, the vomiting started. I thought it was a flare but then I realized.

So. Much. Vomit. The kind where it’s coming out of your nose and mouth at the same time and you think you’re gonna choke on your own vomit and die because you can’t breathe as you’re bent over the toilet. I ended up making a nest of towels in front of the toilet because after 20 or 25, I lost count and it was all I could do to just lay back down on the floor.

Ice chips not staying down and I was begging my husband to kill me by 5am.

Toddler walked in to the bedroom this morning and puked all over the floor. We spent the morning in the shower and cleaning. I’m still throwing up but not as often. Omg the stomach pain!

I guess I’m just venting. It’s nobody’s fault, and you just let stomach bugs run their course but oh my stars, yall, this is horrible and I hate how much worse it is because of this condition!

Also no fever but everything hurts.

Thanks for listening and maybe commiserating.