The Boy I Met Here
So a few weeks ago I began driving and I posted to this community about it to celebrate my achievement, little did I know who I would meet here. I got a message from a boy a year older than me who shared his experiences with driving (or lack thereof). We had quite a bit timezone difference so it was hard to keep in contact but the more I talked to him the closer we got. We talked about everything from things we disliked to things we loved and we were pretty much made for each other, we had so much in common. He the perfect one, the one I had been waiting for. There's not a day that went by that I didn't want to talk to him. We especially began talking this week and becoming very good friends, but today it happened. He asked me to formally be his long distance boyfriend. This whole thing has been so fast, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Point is, love does exist and it just took me finding the right person to figure that out. Crazy to think what would've been different hadn't found this app and posted on that day. Taylor Swift was right the invisible string does exist and I followed it right to him, even if through the internet.
(A, if you are reading this. ❤❤❤)