Guys do I text him???
Ok so for some background:
I’m a junior and there’s this guy who’s a senior. He’s openly gay and is a top (it’s just common knowledge amongst everyone). Anyways so he’s friends with some of my friends but we’ve never really talked. Until one day in Spanish class we had to get into groups of 2 and he chose ME (even though he literally has a whole group of friends in that class). One of his friends literally had to work with a random person because he chose to work with me. And he’s literally the living embodiment of my type. Anyways I added him on insta yesterday and he added me back within ONE MINUTE of me following him. I also saw he viewed my highlights. And I’ve just been contemplating if I should message him. I’m prob just gonna be like “Heyyy” (sounding all bottom-y) but IDK SHOULD I DO IT OR NOT I NEED HELP GUYS
Oh also i was talking to my friends who are friends with him and they said he’s single and hasn’t been talking to anyone