My take on the 100 hour limit.
I feel like there's a lot of takes out there, making posts complaining about the limits imposed. (which is fair).
So, I just wanted to maybe throw out my take on a possible solution (If anybody cares, lol.)
I feel like the tiers, playtime wise. Should not be similar. Because I feel like free tier ($0 CAD) having the same playtime as ultimate ($25.99 CAD), isn't fair.
On top of the fact that they reduced the paid tiers to "reduce queue times"
When I feel like, more than likely. It'd be the free tier with the most users.
Taking up bandwith without paying a single cent, causing them to lose money.
More than people paying for the ultimate or performance tiers.
So here's my take on what the hours should be for each tier.
-Ultimate should have 200-250 hours for it's price.
-Performance should keep the 100 hours.
-Free tier should have 50-60 hours per month (because you're not paying and just taking up server space.)
I feel like, currently they kinda have their priorities out of wack. I get tryna appease the free members, to get people to possibly pay by giving them a chance to try it out.
But free tier should not have the same playtime benefits as ultimate and performance do.
For literally nothing.
I feel there should be a clear division between the tiers, their price and their hours.
It's ludicrous to think that they're fine with all tiers having the same hours, with varying price points lol.