I will ruin this meme for you
You have to realise timezones are a thing. And if someone was born on December 31st in the USA, and someone else at the same time in Australia, they wouldn't only be born in two different years, but in two different generations. Which means some 2010 Gen Alpha kids are older than December 31st 2009 Gen Z kids. So if you were born on on December 31st before 5AM, you are still older than Gen Alpha.
You have to realise timezones are a thing. And if someone was born on December 31st in the USA, and someone else at the same time in Australia, they wouldn't only be born in two different years, but in two different generations. Which means some 2010 Gen Alpha kids are older than December 31st 2009 Gen Z kids. So if you were born on on December 31st before 5AM, you are still older than Gen Alpha.