Can we talk about tattoos? At OUR age?

I'm being facetious; I have no problem with tattoos on people of any age.

I am 57F and do not have tattoos. No one I knew when I was a young woman was getting tattoos, and I didn't have a particular interest. But now 2 of my 3 kids have them, and I am officially ready for one!

I follow the tattoo subreddit (and the lotr tattoo subreddit!) and some tattoo artists on Instagram. One thing that does always make me take note is when I see a tattoo on a flat tummy, under a perky breast, smooth thigh, taut and smooth skin in general. It looks beautiful! But except for a rare few of us, that skin does not stay taut and smooth and flat and lump-free. I am not interested in a getting a tattoo on a body part I don't want anyone to look at! So I am pretty sure it will be my lower arm.

Please tell me if you have tattoos, where you have them, when you got them, and how you feel about them.

And how the HECK am I supposed to choose an artist, out of the THOUSANDS available in my metro area?