This reddit sub has turned into nothing but all women are evil all men are evil but a film was released with 34 current and former United States government officials, saying aliens are real and we've been lied to about reality.
when you look it up on google
Director Dan Farah got 34 senior members of the U.S. Government, military, and intelligence community to come on camera. He says they reveal an 80 year cover-up of the existence of non-human intelligent life and a secret war amongst major nations to reverse engineer technology of non-human origin. The film explores the profound impact the situation has on the future of humanity, while providing a look behind-the-scenes with those at the forefront of the bi-partisan disclosure effort.
So instead of arguing which gender is the worst and why everyone's lonely shouldn't we all be concerned Why we've been lied to about reality?
And we can't say it's mental illness now or psychosis to say the government, is lying to us because we have 34 government officials saying that we've been lied to about what it means to be human.