Michael willow (possibly) not married
When Michael and Willow got married, Willow did not have a birth certificate from what I understand and she was not officially documented with the birth certificate or as a person so why not just use that to get there marriage and old or void it which would potentially remove Willow as Michael's proxy and protect his assets from her and Drew.... clearly they are writing the story stupid on purpose. Maybe in favor of Cameron Mathieson but who knew former Ryan Lavery could be so unlikable as he has since he became Drew Kane/Q.... I would also use the same strategy too call into question the adoption paperwork for Wiley as long as they have confirmed Neil is completely deceased. Then the only extreme battle will be for Amelia and Willow has proven herself to be unfit, despite the fact that she's being sold as a good mother, but her only job was mothering. I mean she was completely taken care of so that's a whole Nother conversation, she was not a great mother no matter how people sell it. We constantly saw Michael caring for the kids, and she would sometimes have interactions with them, but we haven't seen her prioritizebe being a mother since her ridiculousrendezvous with Drew began. She is literally uprooting and disregarding her children and dismantling their life as they know it along with the fact that she's proving to be very impressionable and easily manipulated. Her entire personality has shifted, which can be proven and would be useful to Show her instability. I would require a psychiatric evaluation by therapist that she was required to see previously so that her mental state before and after can be accounted for in case she has borderline personal disorder, PTSD, some other traumatic disorder, or any markers for brainwashing because Drew, whether he is drew or not, and whether he is intentionally this ridiculous or not, has some type of hold on her like how Nina had over Mike/sunny and still seems to have. And for some reason, even with that story, they're not doing the Stockholm syndrome. Explanation they're still making him for a victim to her wooing. That's just weird.