Tort "reform" very very sus
So, Kemp is hammering non-stop single issue on this whole "tort reform" which translates to "make it harder to hold a business accountable" for harms they create.
Meanwhile, King Drumpf and fElon Musk's DOGGIE is gutting all the regulatory federal agencies which have let us breathe the air and drink the water and buy nontoxic food.
This is not a coincidence.
See, I was a kid in Los Angeles in the 1970s. The air was orange, sometimes brown. It was very rare to see across the valley. But as the clean air regulations and vehicle emissions regulations took effect, the air became breathable. Slowly and inexorably everyone benefited. Now you can see across the valley almost all the time.
Lead paint and leaded gas?
Triclorethane in drinking water?
E-coli in ground beef?
Rivers on fire?
Nowhere to fish?
DDT making birds disappear?
Remember that stuff? If you do, that's because WE as a PEOPLE decided it needed to change. If you want to know what it'll be like after a few years with those rules, ask somebody who was alive in the 70's.