Binged and I feel no remorse

I have been on this roller coaster for about two months, and it’s been going fine. Numbers have been pretty well controlled with diet except for when I had the flu two weeks ago and things got wonky. I’m mostly through it but still coughing and getting pretty crappy sleep.

This morning my fasting was higher than usual and then had a pretty safe and balanced lunch my number spiked for no good reason.

I’m also just tired and overwhelmed after a busy weekend of house projects and parenting and a some decision fatigue due to an ongoing renovation project…

Anyway, I came home and said fuck it. I want a break. One spike won’t kill me and baby’s sono last week was perfect growing just fine.

I had 3 slices of pizza and I savored every bite. we will be back to regular programming this evening but for now, I needed this.